Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Luckiest Boy in the World

Collin is starting preschool next week. He is going to back to school night tonight and this week I have been trying to get him all psyched up about it. Yesterday I told him his teachers name was "Miss Erica." He said, "That's like America!"

So proud of his rhyming skills! LOL!

This morning I told him today was the day that he gets to meet his teacher. I asked him if he remembered his teachers name. He said, "Yes! Miss America."

How exciting, right!?!


Amber Grannis said...

Every boy's dream, right? LOL!

Lydia said...

Ipretty much was going to write exactly what Amber wrote. This kid seriously cracks me up. I love it!

brookiebaby said...

Wow, you HAVE been busy! Okay, I LOVE the Miss AMerica thing! Kids are so cute. You should teach him how to wave to his "famous" teacher! Elbow, Elbow... :) Your sister-in-law sounds like mine. She would stand up for anyone that she loves, but I would Never want her on my bad side! :) CONGRATS on going to the temple!!! That's soooo awesome! and I can't believe that you've been married 7 years! WOw! You're old! ha ha! Finally, I think it's awesome that you are putting collin in tumbling. He'll LOVE it! I taught it to little kids for a while, and their parent's loved picking them up, because by then they were tired out and ready for bed! :) They had used up all of their energy! :) Good luck in your new city!!