Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Albertsons Doublers

So Albertson's occasionally puts out coupons that will double the manufactures coupon. You can use 4 doublers per transaction and I did two transactions.

Transactions #1
Scott's Toilet paper $2.19 - $1 off coupon - $1 off for the doubler
Oreo's x 2 = $4 - $1/2 coupon - $1 off for doubler
4 pk apple juice - $1 (I had coupons for apple juice to make it free, but the kind that was on sale was already all gone and I had promised the boys.)
Herbal Essence Shampoo x 3 = $7.50 2 coupons for $1 off one + two doublers= -$4
PLUS I had a coupon for $3 off if you buy 3 certain Proctor and Gamble products, including herbal essence.

Total Out of Pocket = $4.31 with tax

Transaction #2
4 Danactive Drinks at $3.00 each - Store running promotion if you buy $10 certain yogurt products you get $2 off.
Also I had 4 - $1 off coupons that each were doubled.

Total OOP = $2.18

Yay for double coupons!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Collin Chatter

I saw Collin sitting on top of the kitchen table eating a banana. I gave him a look because he had already eaten two bananas today. He said, "What? I couldn't help myself."
At least bananas are his weakness and not Twinkies. :)

Albertson's Deals Again

So my deal was going to be a little better than this, but they were out of several things on my list. Everything pictured came to a total of about $33! About $28 at Albies and $5 at Walmart. You can't always tell what is in my pictures, but those are 7 of the Heathly Choice frozen meals. That's what I eat for lunch if I don't want a sandwich. I am trying to do good at not eating fast food. Also, not pictured is about 5 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts. I had already put them in the freezer. Yay coupons!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yes, This is Really Happening!

Kind of a bad picture since it's through the window, but can you believe this?? It has been raining all morning and now we have snow. It's coming down pretty good too. Isn't this April 15th not January 15th??? Maybe I am confused.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Albertson's Deals

I know, I know, by now I should be posting twice as much food for half of the price, but I still feel like I am getting good deals. I paid $23.70 for all of this! 60 cents for a 6 pack of yogurt! My total savings was $66.43! That meat on the right is 4 huge steaks that I got for free!! Also this is all I am buying this week as far as groceries goes since we will be out of town this weekend. The rest of the budget for the week will be for eating out. We are bringing a cooler to put yogurt, juice, and misc. kids snacks for the long drive so that will save money. Wish me luck on our LONG drive!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Collin!

I officially have a 5 year old!! I can't believe how the time just flew. Gone! One day I had a baby and now he is my little man. So cute too!
Here he is coming out of school with his birthday hat. He felt so special.

These are the cookies he brought for his class. No, I did not make them. I wish! I thought this would be easier than cake for the teachers. He picked them out. I got them from "Cookies by Design."

Here is my boy with all his alien heads. :) He wanted to sleep with all of them.

Our fancy decorations.

These alien balloons were my favorite. What a great, simple, and CHEAP idea! And you can even do them if you don't have a creative bone in your body! I did.

We had a lunch with my siblings and parents, my grandparents, and Darrell's dad. He is going to have a friend party too, but that was pushed back because we have to go to a funeral in California this week. I had to do something to celebrate his actual birthday. I think it turned out great! By the way those are alien slime cupcakes. :)

Of course you have the younger brother checking out all the toys.

This is the gift I got him. Money well spent. He loves these big play sets and will play quietly, even with his brother, for hours! It's awesome.
Also a special thanks to Grandma Barbee, Grandma Susan, Auntie Heather, and Auntie Amber who all sent presents!! Collin is definitely loved....and spoiled. BTW Amber, the present hasn't come. I know it's in the mail though. Hopefully today! It's like he is having a marathon birthday. A new gift in the mail every day for a week! Happy Birthday my not so little boy!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

Here is my April Fools Day trick on the boys! First get out the cereal bowls and put a nice little pool of food coloring in the bottom:

Next pour cereal over the top to make it look like a regular breakfast:

Oh boys! Breakfast is served:
Oh yeah, one more thing: the juice is actually Jello!!
I forgot to take a picture of the cereal all colored. Collin thought it was hilarious! Brody not so much. He was furious! Oh well, he got a nice new clean bowl of cereal anyway.
Collin wanted to do a trick and his first idea was to get the banana peels out of the garbage and get someone to slip on him. Yeah, that idea was vetoed by mom. Later he went into the bathroom and put his clothes on backwards. Now that is funny!