Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Collin Chatter

Yesterday we were out running errands and I was telling the boys that after everything was done that we would go pick up a pizza at Papa John's. I quickly corrected myself and said, "I mean Papa Murphys." I then proceeded to tell them that Papa Murphy's tasted way better and that we could pick it up then (3pm-ish) and cook it when we were ready.
So we finish our errands and go order our pizza at the counter. We sat on the bench to wait for our pizza to be made.
Collin looks over me and says, "If this pizza is so good, then why are we the only ones here?"
Very funny! And very perceptive! I love that kid.

1 comment:

Maren and Dustin said...

Eww! We'll take Papa John's any day! :)

That Collin is sharp. Like a tack. I like him!