Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Collin!

I officially have a 5 year old!! I can't believe how the time just flew. Gone! One day I had a baby and now he is my little man. So cute too!
Here he is coming out of school with his birthday hat. He felt so special.

These are the cookies he brought for his class. No, I did not make them. I wish! I thought this would be easier than cake for the teachers. He picked them out. I got them from "Cookies by Design."

Here is my boy with all his alien heads. :) He wanted to sleep with all of them.

Our fancy decorations.

These alien balloons were my favorite. What a great, simple, and CHEAP idea! And you can even do them if you don't have a creative bone in your body! I did.

We had a lunch with my siblings and parents, my grandparents, and Darrell's dad. He is going to have a friend party too, but that was pushed back because we have to go to a funeral in California this week. I had to do something to celebrate his actual birthday. I think it turned out great! By the way those are alien slime cupcakes. :)

Of course you have the younger brother checking out all the toys.

This is the gift I got him. Money well spent. He loves these big play sets and will play quietly, even with his brother, for hours! It's awesome.
Also a special thanks to Grandma Barbee, Grandma Susan, Auntie Heather, and Auntie Amber who all sent presents!! Collin is definitely loved....and spoiled. BTW Amber, the present hasn't come. I know it's in the mail though. Hopefully today! It's like he is having a marathon birthday. A new gift in the mail every day for a week! Happy Birthday my not so little boy!!!


Hfoutz said...

Wow he's so big, we can't wait to see you guys this weekend! I hope Collin enjoys his presents!

Anonymous said...

Cute. Love the alien balloons!

Lydia said...

I can't believe that he is five. Crazy. Cute alien theme. You are so creative.