Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Albertson's Deals Again

So my deal was going to be a little better than this, but they were out of several things on my list. Everything pictured came to a total of about $33! About $28 at Albies and $5 at Walmart. You can't always tell what is in my pictures, but those are 7 of the Heathly Choice frozen meals. That's what I eat for lunch if I don't want a sandwich. I am trying to do good at not eating fast food. Also, not pictured is about 5 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts. I had already put them in the freezer. Yay coupons!


Brenda said...

Did you get moved into your new house yet?

Lynne said...

AAGGHHHH! Why can't I ever do that!

Lydia said...

That is awesome!