Sunday, July 19, 2009

July Challenge So Far

I am fairly certain that I am addicted to shopping for a bargain! It's so hard to not spend money! I have spent about $33 so far, more than half of my budget. Oops. I still have two weeks to go on less than $20. I am not sure if I can do it, but I am really going to try. One thing that I spent a lot of money on this week was produce. We made fresh mexican food. So delicious, but not cheap enough to keep my total down. Oh well. It was worth it!

Here are a few of the pictures of the trips I made, but it's not all of them. I had a few small trips here and there too.

So what did I eat this week?
Sun - cereal
Mon - banana bread muffins
Tues - muffins again
Wed - cereal
Thurs - mini bagels and cream cheese and homemade jam, boys had cereal
Fri - same thing
Sat - bagels and bananas
Sun - grapes, cereal
Sun - Chicken salad sandwiches, grapes
Mon - PB&J for the boys, chicken salad sandwich for me, chips
Tues - hotdogs and mac 'n cheese
Wed - Ramen noodles
Thurs - Chicken salad sandwich, chips
Fri - Lunch party at my moms work - Turkey sandwiches, fruit salad, baked beans
Sat - OUT TO EAT!! Mexican food, of course!
Sun - Chuck E. Cheese pizza
Sun - Boys had nuggets and mac 'n cheese, I had leftover chicken over lettuce and misc veggies left in the fridge
Mon - Chicken, rice, veggies
Tues - Leftovers
Wed - McDonalds on the way to pick up Darrell
Thurs - Tacos, beans, rice
Fri - Sloppy joes, pasta salad, grapes
Sat - steak tacos, fresh guac and pico de gallo. Mmmmmm!!!
Sun - a little bit of this and that left in the fridge
Snacks and Desserts:
Ritz crackers with cottage cheese
Grapes, cheese cubes, crackers
bananas and juice
bananas (multiple times)
ice cream
cookies at the work party
Twix - I had a free coupon and the boys split it. Get your coupon every Friday HERE.
I feel like we ate pretty good for only spending $30+ bucks. I didn't count going out to eat. That comes out of Darrell's budget. LOL! That's cheating, I know, but we rarely go out so I am not counting it.


Darrell said...

HEY Not fair.

Gel said...

Ha ha! Sucka! What good are husbands if you can't blame stuff on them??