Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Saving/Spending Addiction

So my goal for the last 3 weeks in July was to spend only $50. Well, that didn't go so well. I have already spent about $75 and I am planning on spending $30 in meat before Friday. I just found this great rebate where if you buy $30 of fresh meat you get $10 back. I would say that is a deal that is worth ruining my already ruined budget for July. The offer ends Friday so I will be buying the meat real soon, probably Thursday. Oh well. I really did try! I just think that my stockpile isn't big enough to rely on yet.

So here is the amazing deal that I got at Target today.
7 Poptarts
1 Special K Blueberry Cereal
2 Keebler Grasshopper cookies
8 Twix bars

Total before coupons was $22.xx

Coupons used:
5 - $.55 of one Poptart - Insert from 6/7
5- Target coupon for $.75 off Poptarts from HERE
1 - $1/2 Poptarts - in the mail
1 - $1 off Special K Blueberry from HERE
1 - $1/2 Keebler cookies or crackers - in the mail
4 - $1/2 candy bars, Twix is our favorite
Total with tax - $9.12!!!

You think that is a good deal? Wait until you hear about the rebate from Kellogg's/Keebler. Buy 10 participating products and get a $10 rebate!! Basically I just got paid to go buy all that stuff! Pretty sweet huh! I am submitting my rebate form right now so that I don't forget.


Brenda said...

Wow! Will you shop for me?

Lynne said...

Nice! Good score!~