Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pioneer Day

So the 24th of July is Pioneer Day here in Utah. We didn't do anything that exciting during the day. We just watched the parade on TV. Some people camped overnight to save their spots for the parade. I would NEVER do that! Crazy.
But we did get fireworks for the kids. On the 4th of July we didn't do many fireworks just because we didn't have anywhere to do them. So I bought a few more for the 24th and we had some fun. Collin hated the noisy ones, but Brody thought they were great. We had lots of fun. The grand finale was when I accidentally lit all the sparklers at once and started our own little backyard campfire. Oops!!
I am bummed that the pictures are a little dark, but they are ok. Enjoy!

Brody wasn't so sure about the sparklers.

Audra's little girl, Arien.

This is Collin with one sparkler in each hand. Darn it! I wish these pictures weren't so dark!

And here is the grand finale :

I think that is so funny! Oops! Oh well, we were almost done anyway. :)


Lydia said...

Nice, light the neighborhood on fire. That is so funny! I laughed out loud when I read that you lit the whole thing on fire.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Barry really lead a happy life!

I love your blog. You capture great pictures, and everyday looks fun in your house!