Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Temple Date

I have about a million pictures that I want to put up, but I am so busy with moving and just life right now. I just wanted to tell everyone that we have set a date at the temple to be sealed. August 16th! I am very excited. It's one day before our anniversary so it's kind of cool. We sort of took the long road, but at least we made it, right? Just thought everyone would like to know!


Katie said...

congratulations! that is so exciting and amazing. it will be beautiful to see you family in there!
ps where are you moving?

brookiebaby said...

Oh, that's so awesome!!! I'm so happy for you! You're lucky to have it so close to your actual anniversary. Ours is almost a month different, but it just gives me another anniversary to celebrate! Congrats!!! And WHERE are you moving to????