Friday, October 3, 2008

Simple idea to save $700 billion

Click here for the solution to all our financial problems!! So simple, so obvious, yet rarely used! So many people in $300,000+ houses that had no business in being in them in the first place. Quit keeping up with the Joneses. By the way, the bailout might give us warm fuzzies inside, but it's not a magic wand to fix everything. A little recession might just get our priorities back in line. Plus I am wanting to buy a house in about a year so I hope prices keep going down. :)


Amber Grannis said...

Amen, sister!

brookiebaby said...

LOVE it! soooo true! It's so frustrating being in our age bracket. Everyone is building brand-new houses, and driving Lexus'. And I'm like, "um, me and my husband BOTH work, and make pretty decent money, have no kids(yet), and still we're no where near that point! I've always been wondering what we're doing wrong! " :)

Lydia said...

Hilarious! We should look to SNL for all solutions big and small. I have always thought this. I love Amy Poehler. She cracks me up.