Monday, September 8, 2008

So exciting!

My Lynne is coming back to Idaho!! I am so excited. Lynne was my friend on Maui, but she is from the Idaho Falls area. We are girlfriend soulmates! We are so similar it's unbelievable. Both our cars in high school were named "Bertha" even. Our oldest kids were born at the same hospital about 10 days apart. We didn't meet until almost 4 years later though. I am really hoping that Collin marries her 2 year old, Riley. I am already planning the wedding.
Well she just texted me today so I don't know all the details, but it sounds like they will be back before Halloween. That would be awesome. Where we live in Northern Utah it would be about 2 1/2 - 3 hours away to see her. Lots closer than Maui. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I love this. In fact, if we could have a craft table, I would want one EXACTLY LIKE THIS. It looks handmade/custom. And it looks like you can use both sides of it.

Cool that there's another one like you out there. We do need more people like you! I'm so sad YOU'RE not so close to ME. Selfish, I know.

I loved your diaper bag entry. That was the point. We have before and afters all the time. Get your friends to vote for you regardless, and you'll get the bag!! Get the family in on it!