Monday, June 9, 2008


When you become a mom you have to change your life. You have to put the kids first, no matter what. Something that I have really been trying to work on is not saying "no" or "not right now." Now I am not letting the children have the run of the house. Don't get me wrong. That's where the PB&J comes in. Collin asked me if he could make me a jelly sandwich. (That's how he likes it. No Peanut Butter.) I said I didn't want one.
Then he got out all the stuff to make it and said when I wanted one to just let him know. That's when I decided I would love to have a jelly sandwich, with peanut butter. That is very sweet of him to think of me. He was just taking care of me. And who cares if he makes one? I ate most of it and I think it was the best sandwich I have eaten, ever! So I challenge all you moms out there to say an extra "yes" to your kids today. :)


Lydia said...

Hey, unfair challenge! Your kids are cuter than mine, it is easier for you to say yes. LOL

Suzanne said...

Okay, totally did it. Hunter was eating peanuts (with the brown skin on them) and peeling off the brown skin with his dirty little I've-been-playing-outside-too-long-finger-nails. He peeled one for me. I said no twice. Then I remembered you challenge, and gave in. Heck, they did taste better when I "gave in", just like you said!