Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Special Talent

As far as talents go I really don't have any one thing that I am particularly good at. Every craft type project I attempt is mediocre at best.

I have found something that I really call a talent, but you may not agree. My talent is: I can sleep through Darrell's alarm! (Now if Amber could sleep through Warrens alarm.)

I bet you thought I was going to say something really good, but for me this is such an awesome talent. I used to get really bugged at Darrell because he doesn't turn his alarm off immediately. He will let it ring for a minute or two, causing me to be fully awake, turn it off myself, or just be mad at him. Sometimes all three.

I have programmed my brain to sleep through it. I am really into mind over matter stuff and in being in control of your body. Well I have learned to not hear Darrell's alarm. I can still hear the little pads of feet walking down the laminate hallway in the middle of the night.

No more waking up at 5:30 am! I get to sleep all the way until 6:30-7:30 am. That's when Collin needs a pop tart and some juice. He is very cute.


Amber Grannis said...

Ha! That's funny. I think Warren and I are BOTH learning how sleep through the alarm. We might need to look into a new alarm clock. Maybe one that flashes the lights on and off?

Lydia said...

That is awesome! I am totally jealous.