Monday, May 5, 2008

Workin' Girl (and Boy)

So just recently we started paying our tithing again. The bishop asked Darrell, "What? You can't part with your cold hard cash?" Pretty funny.

Everyone has their two cents to say to us about their "tithing blessings" and it's good to hear, but our focus right now is to be out of debt. It's extra hard right now to part with our "cold hard cash," but we know it's the right thing to do.

So Darrell and I are very sarcastic and like to joke about things that maybe we shouldn't. We will probably get struck by lightning one of these days. We keep joking and saying,"I can't wait for those blessings to start rolling in."

Last week Darrell worked 2 hours extra overtime which rarely happens. They have a pretty set schedule. So that's almost an extra hundred bucks. Then the gal that I babysit for on Thursday and Friday evenings is going to need me a few more hours every week, starting in a week or two. That's my gig that pays $10 per hour so that is pretty exciting.

So we have figured out what our tithing blessing is: more work! We pay our tithing and we get more work, but more work equals more money so that's an ok thing.

On a similar subject here - I made $200 last week babysitting!! Go me! I had 22ish hours. That was because one gal needed me 4 days instead of 2 because her mom was out of town, so from now on it will be a little less from her. But like I said my higher paying gig will need me more so that's good.


Amber Grannis said...

Warren and I sometimes have to look reeeeeally hard to find the blessings. 10% can feel like a small fortune sometimes! Way to go with the babysitting...wouldn't it be great if we got paid to watch our OWN kids? :)

Lydia said...

Good for you. It is hard to imagine that more work could be a blessing, but I know exactly what you mean.

Katie said...

it is so hard. we have a hard time some times too... (i'll have to email you sometime) but over all i feel better when we do!