Friday, December 12, 2008

Three Month Thursday

I know I am a day late this week, but MAN I am so busy lately. Darrell is home so that always takes a lot of time. :) Also we are getting ready to go to Texas for the weekend!! I get to go to a fancy Christmas party in Fort Worth. No kids for about 36 hours! LOL! It's going to be a fun quick little getaway for us. It's going to be fun because we are dressing up. We both got new clothes so we can be HOT! Anyway, what does that have to do with food storage? Nothing!

I finally got to the store today. I bought 5 extra boxes (1 lb each) of pasta. It was easy and it didn't require a lot of thought. Perfect. About a buck a box. So even if you are busy or crazy you can still throw a couple things on the shelf for your food storage. My shelf is pretty much full so I am going to need to find somewhere else to store the food. Maybe I can straighten things up and store things other places and use another shelf in that closet. We will see. Anyway, no pic this week. Lazy, I know. Get some food storage! Go! You can do it!

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I still have done nothing. I am not going to lie. I have done nothing. I despise going to the store. I don't know why, but I do. Maybe it's the fact that I always have Remi, I don't know, but I hate it. You are going to have to keep your blog forever so I can go back and start from the beginning and do Three Month Thursday" on my own.

You are great!

Did you have fun in Fort Worth?