Thursday, January 8, 2009

Three Month Thursday

So how is everybody's new year going? Have you made resolutions? I hope food storage is one of them. I am going to be really devoted to food storage this year. I even hope to get a few extra things like a wheat grinder and other fun toys. This week there was a case lot sale going on at a store here, but I was kind of on a tight budget this week. I really really really want to buy like 10 cases of things, but I restrained myself. The sale is going on for 3 weeks so I just bought about 15-20 cans of things, most of which I am going to use this week in my meals. I did save a few out though for my 3 Month Supply. Also the Life cereal was 5 for $5 and we love that stuff. Find the deals and stock up. Make sure that it's food that you actually eat! Last year I bought a case of peanut butter. There were 12 in a case and I think we ate maybe 3 before they were almost ready to expire. I ended up giving some to my parents and eating pb&j for like 3 weeks straight! Buy wisely! Buy the things that you can easily cycle into your normal diet. Don't overdo it either. You will burn yourself out or bust your budget or both! A little at a time and it will add up very quickly. On that note I have a new shelf going in my closet in my bedroom. The other shelf was stuffed!!! How awesome is that!?! Also I forgot to add the 4 pk toilet paper in my picture. Don't forget about the tp, diapers, girl supplies, vitamins, medicines, etc. Good luck!

Oh and one more thing: I bought a case of white wheat yesterday. My parents went to the cannery with their ward and picked one up for me. Don't forget long term storage too!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

You're so inspireing Gel! I bought a bunch of stuff and Albertsons yesterday - thanks to you. I'm trying really hard not to buy now but I know somehow we are supposed to keep it going so we always have what we need on hand. So I bought a bunch of TP, paper towels, dish soap (for .25 cents, thanks to all my coupons), and Tide. I got $320.33 worth of groceries for $136.84. That's a 58% savings!! I'm so excited that you are keeping me going! It has been so much fun! I have to tell you about a funny "rotating" story. As you know I've been trying to use up my food storage(read rotate)so when BreAnn was here I thought we'd have the stakes that had been in the freezer for a while. So when the appointed day came to cook them I got the impression I should call my mom and ask her how long steak can store in the freezer. She told me, 'Oh, I think it's good for at least a year." (She said it like a year was a long time.) I said, "How about eight? She started to laugh. Needless to say we didn't have steak that day!