Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Great Blog - Check it Out

I stumbled across a great blog the other day: Seriously So Blessed. It is a great, satirical, mormon mom blog. She is hilarious. She pokes fun at people who blog about how perfect they are or how beautiful their children are. Cracks me up. Right up my alley.
This is part of the review from
The author says the blog has received a warm reception from many people who maintain the very blogs she spoofs."Many readers will say things like, 'Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the everything-is-so-gag-me-perfect world of blogging. Thanks for cracking me up and reminding me we don't have to pretend we have perfect kids and are madly in love every second of every day.'
"TAMN definitely tries to live in that perfect world, as she depicts in her post "Happy anniversary to ME! Well, us, but whatever.""Marriage is COMPLETE BLISS and we have had non-stop fun since we married! No, since we met! No, since we were BORN! No, since the PRE-MORTAL EXISTENCE! Couldn’t get any funner," she writes.
Here is the full review of the blog. Check it out for a good laugh.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I have read this blog. She is hi-larious!!!