Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Weekly Trip

Here's my weekly shopping trip. I skipped Albertson's this week, although some people are going completely nuts over their stuff! There just wasn't that much that I wanted and I didn't want to fight the crowds. I went to Smith's and got some basics. They had 50% off all Lysol products so I picked up a few cleaning items that turned out to be about a dollar after coupons. Brody has already eaten two of those yogurts so I guess that didn't last as long as I thought. The Rice and Pasta sides worked out to be 52 cents each after coupons so I got 10. They are a nice quick side dish to have around. I spent $24.88. Headed to Kent's tomorrow to get chicken nuggets and then maybe get something at Walgreen's next week. By the way, I count my shopping week as Wednesday through Tuesday since that it's the same as the shopping ads. Happy shopping! And I swear my next post won't be about food!!

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