Monday, November 17, 2008

What have I gotten myself into??

So my mom is hosting Thanksgiving this year. I live so close to her that I had to bring a "hot" item to the party. She was making the turkey and with that comes the gravy. Also she was making the potatoes, because for some crazy reason she bought like three 50 lb bags of potatoes a couple weeks ago. Can't pass up a great deal, right?!? So that leaves me basically with the stuffing. I have never EVER made stuffing from scratch. I always just used the box kind and that's on the rare occasion that we actually eat stuffing. So I am asking my large fan base (ha ha) here on my blog for tips, ideas, secrets, and recipes to making stuffing. I know it's not that hard, but it's all new to me. So any help would be appreciated. Also if you have any cute, but easy enough for someone with the talent of a third grader, decoration ideas for the Thanksgiving table let me know. Geez, I am asking a lot. Sorry! Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Hfoutz said...

last year I made stuffing from scratch for the very first time and it turned out really good and was surprisingly easy. I know toot my own horn, here's the link to the recipe if you want.

Good luck! The site is great too if you don't like this recipe!