Thursday, April 17, 2008


So I haven't exercised yet this week. Monday and Wednesday mornings I babysat and Tuesday morning we went to a kids music class with a friend. I thought today would be a fresh start. Well Brody has had a runny nose for 2 days, but today it is running like a faucet and it is bright green. Even though my kids are usually the only kids at the gym I don't want to contaminate all the toys with green boogers. Oh well. I don't have any plans tomorrow morning so I guess better late than never. We do walk down to the park everyday so that's some form of exercise at least. I am telling you, it's 10 times harder to get to the gym with 2 kids than with 1. Hopefully tomorrow is better. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Amber Grannis said...

Ha! That cartoon makes my laugh! I actually taught a woman on my mission who was very very overweight. One morning, we showed up for our appointment with her and she told us we'd have to come back some other day and that she was in too much pain to sit through a discussion. Turns out, the day before, her belly caught on fire while she was standing at the stove! It was not necessarily funny, but I must be a wicked person because I had a really hard time not laughing about it! Now whenever I'm feeling really fat and ugly, I say to myself, well at least my belly doesn't hang over the stove when I'm cooking! Good luck getting to the gym tomorrow! Even if I had a gym membership (which I don't) I'm not sure dragging THREE children down there would ever result in me actually getting to exercise.