Monday, April 21, 2008

What do you do all day?

I think that I have touched on this subject before, but it is an ongoing thing. People ask me what I do all day. Like I have so much spare time on my hands every day. The thing I don't get is that people take their kids to day care and respect the job of a day care attendant. Well, my job is just like that, only I don't get paid.

Today for instance, we were up at 6:15 am. Collin has been getting up really early. I have to get breakfast not only for myself, but two other people. I get everybody cleaned up and dressed. I hit the the gym for a little while. I get home and make a couple "business" calls about babysitting this week. I jump in the shower while I hear the boys fighting in the background. I clean up the front room and then make some lunch.

I call Collin's new friends to come over and swim in the little pool I borrowed since we bring it back tomorrow. We visit and play for a while and then come in the house for some serious work. I sweep and mop, which is an ongoing chore since the entire house is laminate flooring. (I thought I would love it, but it's actually a lot of work.)

Brody gets up from is nap and I change him and get shoes on everybody. I run to the post office to mail a bill and then head to the grocery store for milk and runny nose/cough medicine for Brody.

Now we are home and I get a minute to watch Oprah and do some blogging. In about a 1/2 hour I am going to have to make dinner. After that there's dishes, bath for Brody, and maybe a short walk to make sure the kids are thoroughly worn out.

Then I put Brody to bed at 7pm and start cleaning up the frontroom again. Sweeping is probably necessary after dinner. Then at 8pm I am meeting another woman who needs childcare for her 5 month old baby boy. It would be a nice little job.

That's my day. Tomorrow we have play group and babysitting in the afternoon from 3:30-5:30, Wednesday and Friday I have babysitting in the morning from 8:30 to 1pm. This week I will have a total of about 20 hours babysitting between 2 gigs. If my other little girl gets back this week from Thailand then I will have 6 more hours on top of that.

So yeah, I don't just sit around all day, watch soap operas, and eat bon bons. Boy that would be nice though!

I am so glad Amber wrote her blog post for today about the joys of staying home. There are so many things that I would miss out on if I had to work a full time job. My kids are great!

1 comment:

Amber Grannis said...

That is my number one most loathsome question i get from people. "What do you do all day?" I could make people sea sick from my dizzying list of to-do's and get-done's. Hooray for mothers and all the other superwomen out there!