Monday, March 24, 2008

The Best 150 Calories of My Day

I have the exercise thing down now, so the next battle is eating better. I actually don't eat terrible, but I don't eat all the fruits and veggies that I need to. Carbs are my friend. I lost a few pounds right before Christmas by doing this online calorie tracking. Darrell was doing it with me, which makes it about 1,000 times easier. Well the last few months have been crazy for us - Christmas, moving, etc. so now I am starting over again.
I have a true love for Dr. Pepper though. It's my biggest vice. I have stopped drinking it off and on for years and years. I have been drinking cans of Dr. Pepper lately, hence the title of this blog - they are 150 calories. The gas stations here don't really have a variety of sodas so I can't buy my Diet Dr. Pepper cocktail. It consists of about 3/4 diet Dr. Pepper and 1/4 of the real stuff. Delicious! I am down to 1 can a day though. That's not bad. I am about ready to switch to diet though.
I don't think Darrell will be too happy with that. He hasn't had a Mountain Dew to drink for months, but he has been stealing The Nectar of the Gods (a.k.a. Dr Pepper) from me. I really don't think that he will drink the diet though. Ha ha!
One great thing about living in Hawaii is that there are not many fast food places. Taco Bell is in a shopping center without a drive through. Not really worth unloading the munchkins for a Nachos Bell Grande. Plus the food is really expensive. Count on paying $8+ for a value meal at McDonalds. This makes it a lot less tempting to go to these places.
By the way if anyone has any yummy, healthy recipes let me know.

1 comment:

Warren said...

Ah.... Dr Pepper... I've been off the stuff for about almost 2 weeks. I'm missing it really bad, so why did you have to go posting about it? geez!