Thursday, March 27, 2008

Freak Out!

So Darrell doesn't love his new job. Wouldn't be such a problem, but we are sort of committed now. Hawaii is sort of a big deal. I don't really know how I feel about the whole thing. I don't love Hawaii like I thought I would. Mostly I feel like I am camping, always sweating, dirty, and getting bit by bugs. Don't even get me started on the bugs. That will be in a blog to come soon.

We just need to find "The Job" for Darrell so that we can live in one place and try to be normal. Darrell has been in contact with Bodell Construction, the company that he worked for last. They have some work coming up soon. The reason he left them is they were about to lay everybody off. He actually really liked working for them, just they ran out of work and we couldn't wait around for a few months. Bills, gotta love 'em.

Anyway he kind of wants to go back to school, but we really need to be out of debt. Credit cards and hospital bills. I hate being a grown up. Anyway that is probably about a year away. Darrell could realistically start school next spring. He wouldn't need to go to school though if he could find "The Job." (Back to that.) He could just do some part time school or even one class at a time if he found the right job. He does want to get a degree, but it isn't as important in his field as other fields of work. He has a lot of experience and good supervise experience. Anyway we will see what the next month brings. I might be back in Utah by June. Who knows!?!?!?


brookiebaby said...

Oh Honey,
We've been there! Since we've been married, Ryan as worked three jobs (remember that we've only been married 2 years!) But men feel obligated to provide for their families, and it's hard for them to go to jobs that they don't love. Hang in there! "The job" will come! But it would be fun if it were back here in Utah! :)
Take Care!

Amber Grannis said...


Gel said...

I know! Don't get me started!